YAGSL odometry lags behind robots real position

My team is quite new to swerve and odometry(our first swerve bot was last year and we programmed it in LabVIEWand we had no kinematics) this year were using java and we started with using YAGSL and we very much like it but theres a small issue we cant seem to solve. the robots odometry lags behind the real position of the bot and it quickly gets badly out of sync. I know i can use vision reading from Apriltags to update the pose but this bot wasn’t built with a camera in mind. I’m not sure if this much “lag” is normal or where to start debugging. any help is appreciated.

I recently updated the odometry to use Notifiers in an attempt to free users from having to call updateOdometry in the subsystem periodic. You can increase the frequency of odometry updates by calling SwerveDrive.setOdometryPeriod if this doesn’t work i will revert to requiring odometry updates via periodics.

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Thank you, your always fast to help out :heart:. I’ll let you know how this goes when I test it.

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Happy to help! I intended for YAGSL to be useful to everyone no matter their experience and all of the issues bring useful and valuable feedback.


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