Our team has never used simulation before. This year we are using YAGSL for out swerve with mk4i neos and a navx. I got the idea to try and use simulation this year because we have already had 5 snow days (of course all on meeting days). Does anybody have any tips or can help guide me through setting up simulation?
YAGSL supports simulation by default, just run it as a simulation, plug in your controllers, open up the field widget in glass, set teleop mode and you will see your robot move!
Thank you, while you are here I do have a question about an error I get in the driver station.
CAN frame not received/too-stale. Check the CAN bus wiring, CAN bus utilization, and power to the device.
cancoder 3 () Refresh Config
[CAN SPARK] IDs: 27, WPILib or External HAL Error: Unknown error status
[CAN SPARK] IDs: 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, Parameter type mismatch for parameter id Getting Product ID parameter failed. Unable to account for device-specific behavior differences.
I’m not sure what it means, would you be able to explain it?
First double check all of your connections are in spec especially joints you made for the canbus. The loop has to be free of interference (don’t wrap around brushless motors for the life of me). You can consider using a canivore to alleviate the stress on your cancoders, and pigeons if you have them. Which would go a long way. Lastly it could just not be a big deal during comp.
Thank you, we got a snow day today so I’m trying to use simulation to keep working out some issues on the robot. Is there a way to simulate just the swerve modules?
Thank you for your help. We have a lot of new programmers so I was looking for a swerve library that would be friendly for them to work with after I graduate. We still have a few minor bugs with the swerve modules rotating to the offsets, but we think this is because we have the wrong angle conversion factor. I plan to test my new code tomorrow and will let you know how it works.