We are trying to rebuild our swerve code using YAGSL . Our hardware configuration is as follows:
Neos on both drive and steer motors, all connected to Spark MAX controllers
CanCoders as encoders
Pigeon 2.0 as the IMU
Mk4i L2 as the module
I have generated a config using the config generator and performed all the tests in the “When to Invert” section of the YAGSL documentation. The situation is as follows:
When I turn each module counterclockwise, both the absolute encoder and the relative encoder of the steer motor increase.
When I turn the drive motor counterclockwise (with the bevel gear facing towards the left of the robot), the relative encoder of the drive motor increases.
When I lift the robot and turn it counterclockwise, the IMU reading increases.
I have double-checked all CAN IDs, and they match with their respective modules and do not overlap with anything else.
When I levitate the robot so its wheels are not touching the ground, it behaves as expected. This means that it correctly drives in both rotation and translation without any issues. However, when I place it on the ground, the robot starts spinning around itself whenever I try to move it in any direction or even stop.
The IMU is securely mounted, and I have performed both the translational offset and mounting calibration of the Pigeon in the Phoenix software. All firmware is up to date, and I am using the 2025 release version of everything.
If this is unclear, I can share a video and the code tomorrow.
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From the sounds of it you did nothing wrong! This is a simple issue that can be solved with 8 steps.
However if the 8 steps don’t solve this please contact me on the YAGSL discord.
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Yeah definitly will try that and get back to you. Should I inverse the current config or set everything to false when it says drive
to false
in module JSONs. I will get back to you with the results.
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Yes you should, it is guiding you through all possibilities of your inversion states, if you divert from it at all you may miss something
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When we did the test for this was the config that worked best for us. Here are the results WhatsApp Video 2025-01-10 at 21.03.23_dbf1c1cf.mp4 - Google Drive . I’m not sure what causes the back and forth osilation in the z axis. I double checked the wiring and can IDs. Here is the RIO log :
Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Tracer.lambda$printEpochs$0(Tracer.java:62): teleopPeriodic(): 0.000260s
SmartDashboard.updateValues(): 0.000464s
robotPeriodic(): 0.048527s
LiveWindow.updateValues(): 0.000037s
Shuffleboard.update(): 0.000000s
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
Warning 1 Loop time of 0.02s overrun
Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.IterativeRobotBase.printLoopOverrunMessage(IterativeRobotBase.java:436): Loop time of 0.02s overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
Warning 1 SwerveSubsystem.periodic(): 0.000037s
RunCommand.execute(): 0.042943s
buttons.run(): 0.001466s
Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Tracer.lambda$printEpochs$0(Tracer.java:62): SwerveSubsystem.periodic(): 0.000037s
RunCommand.execute(): 0.042943s
buttons.run(): 0.001466s
Warning 1 teleopPeriodic(): 0.001206s
SmartDashboard.updateValues(): 0.000612s
robotPeriodic(): 0.053387s
LiveWindow.updateValues(): 0.000000s
Shuffleboard.update(): 0.000000s
Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Tracer.lambda$printEpochs$0(Tracer.java:62): teleopPeriodic(): 0.001206s
SmartDashboard.updateValues(): 0.000612s
robotPeriodic(): 0.053387s
LiveWindow.updateValues(): 0.000000s
Shuffleboard.update(): 0.000000s
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
ERROR -1003 CAN frame not received/too-stale. Check the CAN bus wiring, CAN bus utilization, and power to the device. pigeon 2 2 ("") Status Signal AngularVelocityZWorld
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
Warning 1 Loop time of 0.02s overrun
Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.IterativeRobotBase.printLoopOverrunMessage(IterativeRobotBase.java:436): Loop time of 0.02s overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
Warning 1 SwerveSubsystem.periodic(): 0.000037s
RunCommand.execute(): 0.041404s
buttons.run(): 0.000000s
Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Tracer.lambda$printEpochs$0(Tracer.java:62): SwerveSubsystem.periodic(): 0.000037s
RunCommand.execute(): 0.041404s
buttons.run(): 0.000000s
Warning 1 teleopPeriodic(): 0.000111s
SmartDashboard.updateValues(): 0.001855s
robotPeriodic(): 0.067411s
LiveWindow.updateValues(): 0.000018s
Shuffleboard.update(): 0.000000s
Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Tracer.lambda$printEpochs$0(Tracer.java:62): teleopPeriodic(): 0.000111s
SmartDashboard.updateValues(): 0.001855s
robotPeriodic(): 0.067411s
LiveWindow.updateValues(): 0.000018s
Shuffleboard.update(): 0.000000s
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
Warning 1 Loop time of 0.02s overrun
Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.IterativeRobotBase.printLoopOverrunMessage(IterativeRobotBase.java:436): Loop time of 0.02s overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
Warning 1 SwerveSubsystem.periodic(): 0.000019s
RunCommand.execute(): 0.044445s
buttons.run(): 0.000000s
Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Tracer.lambda$printEpochs$0(Tracer.java:62): SwerveSubsystem.periodic(): 0.000019s
RunCommand.execute(): 0.044445s
buttons.run(): 0.000000s
CommandScheduler loop overrun
Warning 1 teleopPeriodic(): 0.001057s
SmartDashboard.updateValues(): 0.002078s
robotPeriodic(): 0.038844s
LiveWindow.updateValues(): 0.000018s
Shuffleboard.update(): 0.000000s
Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Tracer.lambda$printEpochs$0(Tracer.java:62): teleopPeriodic(): 0.001057s
SmartDashboard.updateValues(): 0.002078s
robotPeriodic(): 0.038844s
LiveWindow.updateValues(): 0.000018s
Shuffleboard.update(): 0.000000s
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
Warning 1 Loop time of 0.02s overrun
Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.IterativeRobotBase.printLoopOverrunMessage(IterativeRobotBase.java:436): Loop time of 0.02s overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
Warning 1 SwerveSubsystem.periodic(): 0.000055s
RunCommand.execute(): 0.041534s
buttons.run(): 0.000000s
Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Tracer.lambda$printEpochs$0(Tracer.java:62): SwerveSubsystem.periodic(): 0.000055s
RunCommand.execute(): 0.041534s
buttons.run(): 0.000000s
CommandScheduler loop overrun
Warning 1 teleopPeriodic(): 0.000111s
SmartDashboard.updateValues(): 0.000501s
robotPeriodic(): 0.041571s
LiveWindow.updateValues(): 0.000000s
Shuffleboard.update(): 0.000000s
Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Tracer.lambda$printEpochs$0(Tracer.java:62): teleopPeriodic(): 0.000111s
SmartDashboard.updateValues(): 0.000501s
robotPeriodic(): 0.041571s
LiveWindow.updateValues(): 0.000000s
Shuffleboard.update(): 0.000000s
CommandScheduler loop overrun
Warning 44004 FRC: The Driver Station has lost communication with the robot. Driver Station
The IMU yaw readings seem to be correct as well
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Here is the code on github. I’m not realy sure I can hop on discord since it is banned in Turkey. I would love to do a google meet or a zoom if you have the time though. GitHub - Omer-Tuna-Cavdar/YAGSL-Example-main
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@Kully if I don’t have time to help them, can you help them with exactly what we did last night in AdvantageScope?
What we did was we mapped SmartDashboard/swerve/modules/…/Raw Absolute Encoder
and SmartDashboard/swerve/modules/…Raw Angle Encoder
to an AdvantageScope graph and spun a wheel 360. If it did not come back to the same place your conversion factor is off, if it goes down instead of up it needs to be inverted.
If this test succeeds you need to tune your angle motor PID on blocks. Then you can test on the ground, but only with YAGSL version 2025.1.3-1
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Ok I will test this tomorrow when I’m back at the workshop. Thank you so much for your help!