YAGSL Turn Motors Stop When Drive Motors Move

We’re having an issue with YAGSL where our turn motors will stop changing the orientation of the wheels when we start moving the drive motors. The motors eventually turn to the correct angle, but only when we stop driving. Is this a PID tuning issue or could it be something else?

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I need more information to help you. Could you please do the following.

  1. Take a video of the issue with FRC Web Components.
  2. Take a video of your controller while experiencing the issue.
  3. Take a video of the effect it has on the robot.

This video shows us moving the joystick left. The wheels drive forward instead of left, only turning left once we release the stick and stop moving the drive motors.

This happens when we have a lower P constant. When we increase it and do the same thing, instead of the turn motors not turning, the wheels spin in circles and ignore the setpoint.

What exactly do you mean by using FRC Web Components? Could you elaborate on what you want us to do/what values you need?

Ok there are a couple problems that may be causing this issue. First check your deadband, i recommend setting it to 0.1 or higher for testing purposes. Next, what type of gyro are you using and which way is it orientated on your robot? It should be facing forward and dead center on your bot. I recommend to follow the “when you invert guide” found on the YAGSL documentation page here Also try putting your bot on the ground and seeing if the left stick works but just in a different direction.

We have a Pigeon 2 in the center of our robot, but its right side is facing the front of the robot. We also already followed the when to invert guide and believe we have correct inversion states. We’ll try putting the bot on the ground and looking at the deadband.

Follow the when to invert guide again. Your motor and encoders seem out of phase.

I do not expect it to work until you adjust the pigeon 2 so front == front of the robot. I STRONGLY suggest you do this.

When inputting the module locations you did use from center of robot right? Make sure that you did.

I cannot help any further until you send a video with FRC Web Components.

Turns out we had an incorrect conversion factor. Changing it from 360 to 28.125 fixed the issue. Thanks for the help!

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nstrike, yagsl guide,

grateful for your wisdom shared,

docs man, thank you, friend.