Yet another Android Scouting App

This Android scouting app was tested out at the Utah Regionals last weekend. With a couple of regionals left to go, I post it here in the hope that it might be useful.

I haven’t had a chance to build up databases for the various competitions - team numbers and team names - the rest of the data you need to collect on site. If anyone would like to enter the teams and post them, that would be great. I’ll see if I can find time.

You need an SD card to run the app. The database is stored as “scouting” on the SDCard (so /sdcard/scouting). The database is a sqlite database, so you can pull it off onto another system (Android or otherwise). This means that you can pass it around (sneakernet).

If you want to get a feel for the app, the data from the Utah regional is in the attached database. Put it on the SD card, start the APK, hit the populate button and choose a team, then edit the team.

The program seems fundamentally solid, and the information gathered seems to work well with match data. Please let me know if you find any show-stopper bugs. There are a few tweaks that I’d make if I had it to do again, but those kinds of things will probably have to wait for next year.

Good scouting to all and don’t panic at alliance selection time! (2.69 MB) (2.69 MB)

I would think twice about downloading or running something from someone with that username… :yikes:

Agreed, for those of you who don’t know : the RM command is used in linux to permanently remove files from your computer.

That and his 1 post and no team has me saying, “Delete this thread mods.”

Well, I think in general I’d recommend against running peoples usernames. “Robert’); DROP TABLE Students;–” (XKCD - has been causing trouble to many people. (Since you are duly suspicious, I’ll leave the URL as a copy/paste rather than a link).

Since you don’t like it (and neither does my son), I’ll ask the mods to change it, but I need a clever suggestion.

“make robot”
(which give you:
make: *** No rule to make target `robot’. Stop.

but no one would get that. If you can have a 140 character username, then how about this:

function(a,b,c,d,e){return d+=c,
.replace(/v/,“”),d),b=new Date%2?1:3),

(Plays tetris - Binary Tetris - · GitHub) but would be quite hard to type as a login.

OK, back to the app. Some screenshots are attached. Run it in an emulator if you’re worried. Cameras don’t work on the 2.x (2.2 and greater) emulators. It’ll run in 2.1 (or probably 1.6) but the ICS (4.0) emulator is a better choice.

Your username’s fine, but it just makes a download in your first post a lot more suspicious. That makefile interaction would make a nice signature, however :slight_smile:

Well his name is only harmful if you’ve got r00t :stuck_out_tongue: I have always wondered how many people on here were linux junkies such as myself.

and if we can have 140char names, can mine be along the lines of javascript:while(true){alert(“2168 swag”);};;

also sudo make me a sandwich (yes, a Makefile is present)

I don’t know. If you’re enough of a geek to be running Linux on a regular basis then you probably know the “rm” command and would be smart enough not to run it and not to randomly run people’s usernames from the command lines (although I’m fairly sure “andreboos” is safe).

As for sandwiches, you should already have one.

$ make sandwich
make: Nothing to be done for `sandwich’

(Is that an “interesting” make artifact, a tip of the hat to XKCD or an old easter egg?).

BTW, I’m not going to try it, but I fairly sure that you can do significant damage without root access, in particular, I think you could end up trashing your home directory. rm -rf is a really dangerous command, especially if you’re root but even if you’re not. rm is “remove” -r is recursive and -f is force, don’t ask any questions. The final argument is the directory you want to apply it to / is the root of your disk. Common newbie error is to run rm -rf on a directory and then notice that . and … are still there, so then run “rm -rf …” (probably very destructive).