Our team is having issues with our swerve using YAGSL. Our config is mk4i with neos, a navx through usb, and cancoders. We are having trouble it seems with our cancoders, we are getting all values except for the raw absolute encoder value for the offsets. I updated our cancoders all to the latest firmware. Here is our error message.
********** Robot program starting **********
NT: Listening on NT3 port 1735, NT4 port 5810
NT: Got a NT4 connection from port 50754
NT: CONNECTED NT4 client ‘shuffleboard@1’ (from
“conversionFactor”: {
“angle”: 28.125,
“drive”: 0.047286787200699704
NT: Got a NT3 connection from port 33494
NT: CONNECTED NT3 client ‘[email protected]:33494’ (from
[phoenix] CANbus Failed to Connect: 3
CAN frame not received/too-stale. Check the CAN bus wiring, CAN bus utilization, and power to the device.
CAN frame not received/too-stale. Check the CAN bus wiring, CAN bus utilization, and power to the device.
CAN frame not received/too-stale. Check the CAN bus wiring, CAN bus utilization, and power to the device.
CAN frame not received/too-stale. Check the CAN bus wiring, CAN bus utilization, and power to the device.
[phoenix] CANbus Failed to Connect: 0
[phoenix] CANbus Failed to Connect: 1
[phoenix] CANbus Failed to Connect: 2
Instantiating navX-Sensor on Serial Port kUSB.
navX-Sensor Java library for FRC
Opening USB serial port to communicate with navX-Sensor.
navX-Sensor Connected via USB.
navX-Sensor Configuration Response Received.
navX-Sensor Connected.
navX-Sensor onboard startup calibration complete.
navX-Sensor Yaw angle auto-reset to 0.0 due to startup calibration.
navX-Sensor Board Type 50 (navX2-Micro (Gen 2))
navX-Sensor firmware version 4.0
Could not transmit CAN Frame.
Could not transmit CAN Frame.
CAN frame not received/too-stale. Check the CAN bus wiring, CAN bus utilization, and power to the device.
CANCoder 3 magnetic field is less than ideal.
Warning at swervelib.telemetry.Alert.set(Alert.java:104): CANCoder 3 magnetic field is less than ideal.
CANCoder 3 reading was faulty.
Warning at swervelib.telemetry.Alert.set(Alert.java:104): CANCoder 3 reading was faulty.
Could not transmit CAN Frame.
Could not transmit CAN Frame.
CAN frame not received/too-stale. Check the CAN bus wiring, CAN bus utilization, and power to the device.
CANCoder 2 magnetic field is less than ideal.
Warning at swervelib.telemetry.Alert.set(Alert.java:104): CANCoder 2 magnetic field is less than ideal.
CANCoder 2 reading was faulty.
Warning at swervelib.telemetry.Alert.set(Alert.java:104): CANCoder 2 reading was faulty.
Could not transmit CAN Frame.
Could not transmit CAN Frame.
CAN frame not received/too-stale. Check the CAN bus wiring, CAN bus utilization, and power to the device.
CANCoder 1 magnetic field is less than ideal.
Warning at swervelib.telemetry.Alert.set(Alert.java:104): CANCoder 1 magnetic field is less than ideal.
CANCoder 1 reading was faulty.
Warning at swervelib.telemetry.Alert.set(Alert.java:104): CANCoder 1 reading was faulty.
[phoenix] Library initialization is complete.
[phoenix] CANbus Failed to Connect: 3
Device firmware could not be retrieved. Check that the device is running v6 firmware, the device ID is correct, the specified CAN bus is correct, and the device is powered.
[phoenix] CANbus Failed to Connect: 0
[phoenix] CANbus Failed to Connect: 1
[phoenix] CANbus Failed to Connect: 2
Could not transmit CAN Frame.
Could not transmit CAN Frame.
Device firmware could not be retrieved. Check that the device is running v6 firmware, the device ID is correct, the specified CAN bus is correct, and the device is powered.
CAN frame not received/too-stale. Check the CAN bus wiring, CAN bus utilization, and power to the device.
CANCoder 0 magnetic field is less than ideal.
Warning at swervelib.telemetry.Alert.set(Alert.java:104): CANCoder 0 magnetic field is less than ideal.
CANCoder 0 reading was faulty.
Warning at swervelib.telemetry.Alert.set(Alert.java:104): CANCoder 0 reading was faulty.
Device firmware could not be retrieved. Check that the device is running v6 firmware, the device ID is correct, the specified CAN bus is correct, and the device is powered.
CAN frame not received/too-stale. Check the CAN bus wiring, CAN bus utilization, and power to the device.
Device firmware could not be retrieved. Check that the device is running v6 firmware, the device ID is correct, the specified CAN bus is correct, and the device is powered.
Joystick Button 1 on port 0 not available, check if controller is plugged in
Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.DriverStation.reportJoystickUnpluggedWarning(DriverStation.java:1362): Joystick Button 1 on port 0 not available, check if controller is plugged in
[phoenix-diagnostics] Server 2024.1.0 (Jan 8 2024, 18:07:22) running on port: 1250
CAN frame not received/too-stale. Check the CAN bus wiring, CAN bus utilization, and power to the device.
********** Robot program startup complete **********
Loop time of 0.02s overrun
Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.IterativeRobotBase.printLoopOverrunMessage(IterativeRobotBase.java:412): Loop time of 0.02s overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
SwerveSubsystem.periodic(): 0.017549s
buttons.run(): 0.034577s
Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Tracer.lambda$printEpochs$0(Tracer.java:62): SwerveSubsystem.periodic(): 0.017549s
buttons.run(): 0.034577s
SmartDashboard.updateValues(): 0.021481s
disabledInit(): 0.010054s
robotPeriodic(): 0.161385s
LiveWindow.updateValues(): 0.000112s
Shuffleboard.update(): 0.009794s
disabledPeriodic(): 0.001391s
Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Tracer.lambda$printEpochs$0(Tracer.java:62): SmartDashboard.updateValues(): 0.021481s
disabledInit(): 0.010054s
robotPeriodic(): 0.161385s
LiveWindow.updateValues(): 0.000112s
Shuffleboard.update(): 0.009794s
disabledPeriodic(): 0.001391s
Joystick Button 1 on port 0 not available, check if controller is plugged in
Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.DriverStation.reportJoystickUnpluggedWarning(DriverStation.java:1362): Joystick Button 1 on port 0 not available, check if controller is plugged in
CAN frame not received/too-stale. Check the CAN bus wiring, CAN bus utilization, and power to the device.
CommandScheduler loop overrun
[phoenix] CANbus Failed to Connect: 3
Device firmware could not be retrieved. Check that the device is running v6 firmware, the device ID is correct, the specified CAN bus is correct, and the device is powered.
[phoenix] CANbus Failed to Connect: 0
[phoenix] CANbus Failed to Connect: 1
[phoenix] CANbus Failed to Connect: 2
Loop time of 0.02s overrun
Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.IterativeRobotBase.printLoopOverrunMessage(IterativeRobotBase.java:412): Loop time of 0.02s overrun
SmartDashboard.updateValues(): 0.038287s
robotPeriodic(): 0.000946s
LiveWindow.updateValues(): 0.000038s
Shuffleboard.update(): 0.000018s
disabledPeriodic(): 0.000352s
Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Tracer.lambda$printEpochs$0(Tracer.java:62): SmartDashboard.updateValues(): 0.038287s
robotPeriodic(): 0.000946s
LiveWindow.updateValues(): 0.000038s
Shuffleboard.update(): 0.000018s
disabledPeriodic(): 0.000352s
CAN frame not received/too-stale. Check the CAN bus wiring, CAN bus utilization, and power to the device.
Device firmware could not be retrieved. Check that the device is running v6 firmware, the device ID is correct, the specified CAN bus is correct, and the device is powered.
Joystick Button 1 on port 0 not available, check if controller is plugged in
Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.DriverStation.reportJoystickUnpluggedWarning(DriverStation.java:1362): Joystick Button 1 on port 0 not available, check if controller is plugged in
CAN frame not received/too-stale. Check the CAN bus wiring, CAN bus utilization, and power to the device.
Device firmware could not be retrieved. Check that the device is running v6 firmware, the device ID is correct, the specified CAN bus is correct, and the device is powered.
Device firmware could not be retrieved. Check that the device is running v6 firmware, the device ID is correct, the specified CAN bus is correct, and the device is powered.
Joystick Button 1 on port 0 not available, check if controller is plugged in
Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.DriverStation.reportJoystickUnpluggedWarning(DriverStation.java:1362): Joystick Button 1 on port 0 not available, check if controller is plugged in
Loop time of 0.02s overrun
Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.IterativeRobotBase.printLoopOverrunMessage(IterativeRobotBase.java:412): Loop time of 0.02s overrun
CommandScheduler loop overrun
SwerveSubsystem.periodic(): 0.000204s
buttons.run(): 0.037935s
Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Tracer.lambda$printEpochs$0(Tracer.java:62): SwerveSubsystem.periodic(): 0.000204s
buttons.run(): 0.037935s
SmartDashboard.updateValues(): 0.008681s
robotPeriodic(): 0.071047s
LiveWindow.updateValues(): 0.000000s
Shuffleboard.update(): 0.000037s
disabledPeriodic(): 0.003172s
Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Tracer.lambda$printEpochs$0(Tracer.java:62): SmartDashboard.updateValues(): 0.008681s
robotPeriodic(): 0.071047s
LiveWindow.updateValues(): 0.000000s
Shuffleboard.update(): 0.000037s
disabledPeriodic(): 0.003172s
We are very excited about this swerve library but are hoping to get things running soon. Any help is appreciated!