Guys, did you also receive an email from StudentFIRST in January/saw the Free Speech Society post? I do not understand anything! I came here just to find out what really happened and if the situation this letter describes is real. (I’ll try not to go into details about the situation, as I can’t find ANYONE talking about it, I’m very confused)
Did you receive an email from 2910, the actual team? Or from someone who is not part of that team but is writing emails about them? Many teams received that particular email, mostly because that individual found team emails through their websites, so most of the folks who have read it are mentors. It has been the subject of some discussion for a while, sorry that you’ve been in the dark about it. How can I help?
Mr. N
The email regarding “StudentFIRST” and “FreeSpeechESD”?
It seemed to be widely sent to FRC teams back in January. FIRST didn’t acknowledge it directly, but talked about the role of mentors in this blog post.
In my personal opinion, blind mass emailing is not a great way to garner support for your effort as it immediately triggers my “scam alert”, similar to that ice cream company for teams that went to Championships last year.
Based on how you titled the thread, the email is not from 2910, but instead a student who claims they were unfairly removed from the team, who looks to of chosen to take the nuclear option for the concerns/issues they have.
Ignoring the content of the emails (which as s3259 already posted FIRST has their own indirect comments on), the group has ignored any questions ive asked them regarding longterm plans for their proposed changes to the program and their plans for the GoFundMe they originally created for merch, which has raised almost $25,000 now from (according to website comments) a single donor. Their refusal to answer any questions about this alone is a big flag for me, if nothing else.
At first, I thought it was strange that I hadn’t found any posts on here about this subject, (I thought it might be a violation of the CD community rules to address these issues), but this triggered my alert and so I came to confirm if this is a scam or not. Sorry for not being more specific about what’s going on.
We have been getting those emails about Studentfirst thing. Until now I wasn’t sure if I accidentally registered our team email address to receive StudentFirst posts. I just updated firewall to ignore everything coming from that adress.
i saw the instagram post from an account called “freespeechsociety” and in the “you dont talk about fight club” (the only) post, it tags like a hundred teams, which is an instant red flag in my brain.
And at this point, I would assume HQ has investigated the issue and made that blog post.
And students should go to FIRST support first, instead of causing a huge wild fire that looks bad on them, and the team in question.
Should I feel upset that our teams Instagram was left out? Our Business and Marketing team has been posting more lately, clearly not enough or in the right/wrong areas /s
There are big advantages to not being famous
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