You know you're addicted to FIRST when

Bored, tired, and waiting for food, so I thought I’d start up this list.

…you skip school to spend eight hours working on your bot.
…you have dreams about robotics.
…you talk about FIRST all day in an attempt to recruit people.
…you no longer have friends outside of your FIRST team.


I have to agree with you there. I too have been talking alot of robotics hoping to recruite freinds to join and i think it’s working.

Fix it before it breaks, so you don’t have to fix it when it breaks

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…your robot is your valentine.

…your coach/teacher has to get you an extension on a class project so you can work on the robot.


Your wife refers to FIRST as your “Second wife” :rolleyes:


When your b/f looks at your hands and nails and says “Been at the shop again?”


. . . Your study hall teacher says every day, “Why don’t you just transfer over there?”

. . . A discussion with a team engineer involves you saying, "Look, I built the $@#$@#$@#$@# thing, and I know it does this . . "


…every sentance ends with “your mother”, “in bed”, or “and then you die twice”
…you find the word toaster funnier than usual
…Will cries for the robot
…run out of freshman to file things
…wheels aren’t round anymore
…when you order 4 big mothers a day (pizza)
…when subway hates you
…it works

yeah, fun stuff :slight_smile:


-You talk in criptic language to people.
-If they say BattleBots after Robotics Competition, they arn’t your friend anymore.
-You dream of Segway
-Food becomes day old pizza left in the work area (no, I DON’T do that, that’s just, not right…)
-You start to become insane by jumping into walls… durring school… infront of girls… Senior girls…
-You must check the storage lane in Target every day.
-You start to not shave and obsess over The Simpsons episodes and how they arn’t how they used to be.
-Murder is the treatment for being a Mole to another team
-Brandon Martus becomes your arch nemissis
-You wonder if something can be completed quicker using a robot
-You have two friends: Robotics and Normal
-You start to come up with sayings such as “DON’T LICK THE BATTERY!!!”
-You’ll kill for a Segway
-You see red, white, and blue shapes in your dreams
-You wake up to Smooth Criminal
-You know what Pubarso stands for
-Sleep is what you get durring English class
-You can’t wait till the TNT James Bond marathon.
-Feb 18th is Armadgedon


…You spend at least 4 hours a day on Chief Delphi’s forums

…You fail countless test because you were too busy building a robot to study

…When given the name of a team or a team’s number, you can tell them the name or number of that team ( ex. “247” would warrant “'da bears” as an answer and “da bears” would warrant “247” as an answer.


…when you go from junior member to custom title in a 6 week period
…when your main requirment for getting an iPod from school is so you can transfer a gig of targas back and forth
…when you have a Delphi group on your buddy list
…When half of your daily classes (2 of the 4) are “Do your FIRST work…when your animation’s submitted with that, we’ll get to doing regular class work”

More to come!


When you seriously consider taking the robot to Prom

When you begin to wonder if you are a robot

When you form mental algorithms to do stuff while you think about robots

When life becomes First with irrelevant stuff in between.

When you convince your mother to feed the pit crew and programmers

When you drive 45 miles away to work on the robot.

When you place willingness to participate in FIRST as one of your top criteria for a g/f

When you can reason out why the robot does what it does.


*Originally posted by Koko Ed *
**Your wife refers to FIRST as your “Second wife” :rolleyes: **

My wife has a team shirt with “FIRST Widow” where here name should be.

Ken Loyd
Team 64 :cool:


*Originally posted by Trashed20 *
…every sentance ends with “your mother”, “in bed”, or “and then you die twice”


-When you leave knowing you made a difference in a child’s life.
-When you can’t wait for march to roll around
-When you change a life of a child
-When you yell at people that say battle bots are cool
-when your girl/boy friend says you wanna marry FIRST
-when you want to do nothing but long trigonometry to find out the exact angle for a drive train part
-when you wanna see Dean Kamen and Woodie Flowers at your pit!!!


*Originally posted by Trashed20 *
…every sentance ends with “your mother”, “in bed”, or “and then you die twice”

Seriously… they do.

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*Originally posted by Matt Attallah *

-When you leave knowing you made a difference in a child’s life.
-When you can’t wait for march to roll around
-When you change a life of a child
-When you yell at people that say battle bots are cool
-when your girl/boy friend says you wanna marry FIRST
-when you want to do nothing but long trigonometry to find out the exact angle for a drive train part
-when you wanna see Dean Kamen and Woodie Flowers at your pit!!! **

good reasons…good reasons. but what about these:

  • when matt drives, and they know to move out of the way (just playin)
  • people yell your names from the stands (actually, it’s kinda…wait, really scary then)
  • you treat people like robots by putting an ateanna on their head, and try to move them with a joystick
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  • when a librarian comes to you with tech questions

  • when one of your sponsors buys a seguaway and brings it to your school (that was MAD fun, i mean, $@#$@#$@#$@#!)

  • when the school forbids you from skipping classes because teachers start to complain

  • when your parents begin to understand what your talking about


*Originally posted by illumanat’i *
**- when your parents begin to understand what your talking about **

Now that’s just plain krazy, but sweet when it happens.

  • when you know what to expect at every comp.

…when FIRST is the major reason why you want to become an engineer

…When you’ve had strep throat for a week and a half, but haven’t had time to go to the doctors to get some medicine, because you’ve been to busy with robotics.


*Originally posted by illumanat’i *

  • when one of your sponsors buys a seguaway and brings it to your school (that was MAD fun, i mean, @#@#@#@#!)

  • when the school forbids you from skipping classes because teachers start to complain

  • when your parents begin to understand what your talking about **

Point a.) Our SCHOOL is attempting to buy two segways!
Point b.) Yeah… I’ve had teachers ban me from gettting pulled out…and others that just said before I asked that I could go.
Point c.) Parents understanding…yeah…that means that you’ve been working at home too much…like me…

  • also, you know you’ve been in FIRST too long when your main focus on building a new computer is to cut down render time for teh animation comepetition.

optimization is to hard in animation really.

  • when they all know the songs from the pits, when the songs aren’t played anywhere else
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