This thread is for the proud moments that have occurred. The ones that help you understand that you ‘get it’. These can be from the distant past, the recent past, the present, or even about the future. They can be about something you have done, realized, or helped with. They can be about your observations of others or even the impact of seeing something someone has done or is doing.
I have been proud to be a FIRSTer when I can share stories of students, mentors, and teams that I’ve come to know, with my 81 year old mother, and she waits with eyes sparkling, to hear ‘just one more story’.
I’m proud to be a FIRSTer when I just started becoming a source of knowledge and information thanks to the amazing mentors on Chief Delphi and on my own team.
When you’re proud that you’ve managed to make friends on other teams, and that those friendships have affected yourself and your team in more ways than you thought possible.
…and when you know that the friendships that you form in FIRST will last a lifetime, and you can’t say that of some of your non-FIRST friends.
My web design teacher gave a small class speech on how the beginning FIRSTers may be the head of big companies or an interviewer in college. When a person goes to interview for that job or college, the head may to talk about past experiences about their life in FIRST, and make it more likely to get that job or get into that college. Although that was the general idea of the speech and I can’t remember much more, it made me proud to be a FIRSTer.