Third time’s the charm! Include a breakdown, point-by-point, ball-by-ball, or just a number of the average alliance score. Mostly, this thread is so we can look back in seven weeks and realize how terribly wrong we were.
For your perusing pleasure, here’s last years thread: YOU Predict the Average Match Score of 2010’s Week 1 Regionals
And two years ago’s thread: YOU Predict the Average Match Score of 2009’s Week 1 Regionals
According to The Blue Alliance’s match results from 2010, excluding eliminations, the average alliance score was 2.46 with a standard deviation of 2.46.
And I’ll post my prediction in the thread once I figure out what it is.
I will guess maybe around 100
Would laugh if I actually get close.
I would say for week 1 average, somewhere around 75 pts.
If you want to see what scores are possible, check out the score calculator here:
I get 41 per alliance.
I’d like to think that each alliance would have 1 robot capable of scoring a ubertube in autonomous.
Looking at 2007, I’d say two tubes per robot per match would be a reasonable estimate, seeing as most of the defense won’t occur when teams are scoring. I figured on average they’d score on the middle row, and get 1 logo bonus (again, on the middle row). Figure one successful working minibot per match, which is 30 points half the time, so 15.
At BAE in 2007, with the rack swinging and defense, 2 tubes in a match made a top 20% robot. Seeing as the “feet” on the pegs are smaller, and there won’t be defense when robots are in the act of scoring, I think teams will do a little better.
iCurtis, what about the fact that it will be a lot tougher to see the scoring pegs this time as opposed to 2007? And the additional shapes aren’t going to make anything easier.
Just food for thought.
Also, teams will most likely have to go to the far side of the field to get the game pieces. There were a lot of teams that would good at picking up pieces right in front of the driver station, but struggled picking them up on the far side of the field. Plus, you have to factor the driving time to get there and back.
From the field in 2007, we had no problem getting over the spider leg, the real problem was getting our claw lined up so the tube would drop over the foot. Mostly it’s the defense, we posted two matches in a row of four tubes on Friday afternoon, and we got doubled teamed for the rest of the tournament and had a hard time even getting to the rack. I would agree the shapes might make it hard, but seeing through the rack with tubes wasn’t that much harder than seeing through the rack period (those tubes might’ve been more translucent?). I like to give robots the benefit of the doubt.
P.S. You can call me Ian.
the pegs are right in front of your alliance station so it should be easy to see the back of the peg at the least.
I’m thinking teams can score around 35-50 points with the tubes, and getting second and third in the race is another 35,…
I say 70 points will be typical for a good scoring alliance and 60 will be the average.
During elimination matches I expect the average to jump 10 points.
Early in the day I expect 50-70 averages, and well over 100 in the finals.
I’d say 10 for the low matches and 80s being the high for the fun matches. So average around 45-60 as the weekend picks up.
64 average for a winning alliance in week 1
Highest score of week one will be 92
I’m gonna guess on the low end…only about 15-20 per alliance. Week 1 is usually low-scoring, because teams don’t know the best way to play the game yet
That is almost impossible, assuming atleast two teams have minibots, then the minimum scores are 30 and 20 respectively.
You mean we show you how to play the game! I understand what you are saying. It is fun being in week one because you don’t have to wait, but annoying since you haven’t seen it played before.
I’m gonna give two guess. Either 42, or if that’s wrong, definitely over 9000. Just sayin.
I don’t think that by week 1, very many teams will have a consistent minibot.
Hey! We’re in the same boat, too! NJ’s been week 1 for years. I remember last year in NJ I saw a whole bunch of 0-0 and 1-0 scores, so I think week 1 will be very low scoring.
Well… it looks like the maximum you can score in any match is 108 points with the tubes, and 50 minibot bonus points.
For week one, I’m guessing that not everyone will have their minibots working properly, so maybe only one per alliance - 30 points to one alliance and 20 to the other on average. I’m guessing people will still be working out the bugs in their autonomous modes, so probably only about one ubertube per alliance, and it will take a while to drive around the field collecting tubes… so maybe about 30 points worth of tubes per match.
This puts my guess at 50-60 points per alliance during week 1 matches.