Zebra MotionWorks™ for FRC (Formerly: Zebra Dart for FRC) 2020 Teaser

Sure. In short: Zebra Motionworks™ is a real time location solution that is comprised of hardware software, and services. We have taken one of the hardware options, ( UWB Active RFID), and in coordination with community members, paired it with some custom software tailored for FRC. It collects location data for each tracked robot on the field 10x a second.

Caleb has written some great posts on some ways to use the data:
Part 1
Part 2

Strategos has a few good breakdowns as well:
OPR Enhancement

It allows for some post match and design analysis like: This Thread

At several of the events it was at teams took the data and used it to help scouting, pre match strategies, and driver self evaluation. Some teams even used it to detect and diagnose and check repairs for drive-train related issues.

It was also used to enhance live streaming of the events and color commentary as well as being shown up on the audience display to help break down and explain game play and strategies.

Thanks @ferrari77 you got that up faster than I could hah