Zero Gravity 2180 2022

2180 presents a unique take on design for this year’s game with our robot “Rattler”:



  • Two speed drivetrain for Lightning McQueen or MAR defense mode
  • All-in-1 Conveyor system and shooter built into an arm
  • Beam break sensors and 2 sections of conveyor for auto ball indexing
  • Two sided shooter to control ball spin
  • Easy to aim fender shooting yet capable of scoring from anywhere with adjustable arm angle, shooter speeds, and (planned) limelight capabilities
  • Thriftybot 3d printed mecanum wheel intake allows for ball singulation external to the robot
  • 3 ball auto
  • Everybot based low and mid wedge style climber, with plans to replace with active mechanism

We have already had some success with a half finished robot playing defense and dumping into the low goal at Hatboro (with a record of 14 balls in a match!) and ending up as finalists with 1640 and 1807, and now we’re ready for our next event with a completed machine.

Check us out at Seneca and (hopefully) MAR champs!


Holy mecanum batman


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