Session Start (AIM - Astronouth7303:Skatoulaki010): Sun Jun 13 20:53:57 2004 [20:53:57] Skatoulaki010: hello dear sir... [20:54:05] Astronouth7303: Hello. [20:54:10] Astronouth7303: and you would be? [20:54:56] Skatoulaki010: i hear you have a problem with my editing on your stupid little open source website [20:55:02] Astronouth7303: ah [20:55:04] Astronouth7303: you [20:55:13] Skatoulaki010: i know who you are and what you look like [20:55:22] Astronouth7303: that's not hard [20:55:39] Skatoulaki010: i know where you reside and will have no problem dealing with you if you do not let me proceed [20:56:06] Astronouth7303: if you attempt any such plans, we will screw you so badly. [20:56:10] Skatoulaki010: open source is open source.... you will never be able to maintain your website [20:56:25] Astronouth7303: Actually, it isn't open source [20:56:33] Skatoulaki010: i have started my rebellion, my minons are gathering as we and your few moderators will never be able to hold us back [20:57:01] Astronouth7303: you're drunk [20:57:13] Skatoulaki010: no sir... i am not [20:57:30] Skatoulaki010: i realize what a waste of valuable website your wiki is and i am going to be forced to destroy it [20:58:02] Astronouth7303: (Link: [20:58:44] Skatoulaki010: what about that worthless is hardly worth my time to read [20:59:51] Skatoulaki010: and dont you worry... i will return... all i have to do is change a setting here and there and my IP will be something completly different [21:00:17] Skatoulaki010: as i have been trying to say....resistance is futile [21:00:31] Skatoulaki010: the end of your wiki is near.... [21:01:27] Skatoulaki010: now sir..i must depart from this conversation i have an army to round, a rebellion to start, and a website to destroy... good day.. good night... good life... Session Close (Skatoulaki010): Sun Jun 13 21:01:40 2004