Are multiple hostbots allowed to posses a game piece (not an ubertube) at the same time for an instant in order to pass it to each other? Or do we have to leave it on the floor in order to transfer possession?
The specific rule states that a single HOSTBOT may not be possesing or herding more than a single game piece. There is no rule that specifically prevents multiple hostbots from the same alliance holding a logo piece (aka not an UBERTUBE). If you attempt to grab it from an opposing HOSTBOT, however, it is at least a penalty, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a yellow card or in specific cases a Red.
Only if they’re on the same alliance. Opposing robots may not attempt to possess the same tube, but if they’re on the same alliance it is not a penalty.
Thank you. I thought I remembered reading something about that but I could not remember where.