REV pneumatics hub not turning on compressor

Hello, i recently ran into an odd issue with my team, our rev pneumatics hub just suddenly stopped turning on the compressor. We ran several tests with both devices such as hooking up the compressor with a battery to see it turn on, checked wiring (including CAN) and making sure it was fine, but nothing seemed to work. I also used the “mode” button on the hub to manually turn it on in case it was code but still nothing. The hub activates the solenoids and clearly gets power but it just won’t turn on the compressor.

Have you used a multimeter to see if there’s any voltage coming out of the compressor power pins on the pneumatics hub?

If not, have you checked to make sure the pressure sensor is shorted (closed) when attempting to run it?

Finally, did you output the Compressor.enabled(); state to see if it’s enabled via smartdashboard telemetry?


Contact Rev support. They are really good. We had a similar issue and it was a poor solder joint on the board.

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We had a similar problem with our Rev pneumatics hub. The problem was fixed by a firmware update. The default pressure input (digital vs. analog) was analog, and we were not explicitly setting it, but we were using the digital input.

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